Snowbot team participated in Spoga+Gafa in Germany which was on September 1 - September 3, 2019. The spoga+gafa takes place every year in Cologne and is the leading international trade fair for the garden and leisure industry. It is an internationally-oriented trade fair and open to trade visitors only.

We planned the whole trip and prepare for the exhibition that took a considerable amount of time. We designed our banner and made the product guide for the visitors so that they can get all the clear information about our product.
It was a fruitful exhibition for Snowbot. Snowbot was popular in that event and agencies showed their interest in working with the Snowbot team in the future. All the visitors are fascinated by the smart features of the robot such as auto charging, mobile app control, etc. The overwhelming response from the visitors in the event will definitely encourage the whole Snowbot team to go further.

Snowbot, an intelligent robot designed and manufactured by Hanyang Robotics, Inc. It cleans up the snow in your yard and auto-charges when the task is over. With advanced technology and interesting features, Snowbot becomes the future of snow sweeping work, which will be trouble-free and easy to use.
Snowbot team is dedicated to delivering the best snow sweeping solution using smart technology and Artificial intelligent. The current version of Snowbot is capable of cleaning 12 inches deep snow. In future versions, Snowbot team will improve its capabilities and make this as an ultimate snow sweeping solution.